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    DPP’s presidential candidate 結果共73筆

  • DPP’s Lai Ching-te vows to make Miaoli a tech hub

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te visits Miaoli, expressing his plans to develop the region’s tourism and technology sectors. Lai campaigns with legislative candidate Tseng Wen-hsueh, emphasizing balanced construction plans for all of Taiwan. Lai praises Tseng’s dedication and support during the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement protest. Lai also visits Zhunan Township, supporting legislative candidate Kang Shih-ming for his work ethic and dedication as town chief.
    2024/01/07 17:21
  • Taiwan’s election frenzy: Final weekend rallies in Kaohsiung

    The final weekend of the 2024 election race in Taiwan sees presidential candidates from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), and the Kuomintang (KMT) rallying in Kaohsiung. Lai Ching-te, the DPP’s candidate, and his running mate, Hsiao Bi-khim, focus on the Fengshan District for their ’Golden Week Eve’ rally, with notable attendees such as President Tsai Ing-wen and Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai. The KMT and TPP both choose the popular Ruifeng Night Market for their night rallies, with candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je staggering their appearances by an hour. The KMT hosts a unity victory rally at Dream Mall, while the TPP candidate and his wife make appearances in Kaohsiung, boosting support and holding a rally at Aozidi Forest Park. Crowd control and traffic management become important considerations for the rallies at Ruifeng Night Market. As the race intensifies in the final week of campaigning, the candidates are leaving no stone unturned.
    2024/01/07 14:36
  • DPP’s Lai Ching-te stresses global impact of Taiwan vote

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate, highlighted the significance of every citizen’s vote in shaping the world’s future during an election rally in Xihu, Changhua County. He emphasized the importance of supporting democracy and the future, stating that Taiwan’s presidential election holds the key to the nation’s course and the peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/01/06 11:44
  • Ko Wen-je responds to DPP scrutiny over U.S.-China dynamics

    In Taiwan’s heated presidential race, TPP candidate Ko Wen-je responds to DPP’s scrutiny, emphasizing the need for a pragmatic approach in managing Taiwan’s role amid U.S.-China relations.
    2024/01/05 18:52
  • TAO refutes DPP’s claims of Chinese interference

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesman Chen Binhua accused the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of deflecting blame on mainland China to conceal its politicians’ wrongdoings. The controversy arose when DPP legislator Lo Chih-cheng was accused of being involved in a sex tape. Lo suggested that the video was manipulated using deepfake technology and blamed Chinese cyber forces for election intervention. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te claimed that this incident demonstrates China’s intrusion in the elections and compared it to a similar incident involving Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Lo condemned the defamatory tactics used and warned of legal repercussions. TAO spokesman Chen Binhua argued that the DPP habitually attacks mainland China during Taiwan’s elections and accused the party of resorting to rumormongering to mask its impropriety and corruption.
    2024/01/04 14:52
  • Lai Ching-te kicks off campaign with 15K rally in Tucheng

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate, held his first nation-wide campaign rally in Tucheng, New Taipei, drawing a crowd of 15,000. Lai urged support for himself and the DPP in the upcoming election, warning of the potential consequences if the DPP fails to secure a majority in the legislature. Tucheng, a stronghold for KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih, enthusiastically hosted the rally where Lai and incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen expressed gratitude for public support. Lai emphasized that the candidate with the most votes, not the highest approval rating, ultimately wins an election. Vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim pledged to boost Taiwan’s global standing. Lai called for voter support for DPP’s legislative candidates in New Taipei and criticized the KMT, while President Tsai affirmed the DPP’s commitment to the right path.
    2024/01/04 14:37
  • DPP candidate warns against China-backed election win

    Taipei (TVBS News) - Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te warns against allowing a China-backed candidate to win the elections. Lai emphasizes that interference from Beijing through the Kuomintang (KMT) is evident and should not be tolerated. He believes that the best way to counter China’s intervention is to not elect the candidate whom China supports, as it could jeopardize Taiwan’s democracy. The Washington Post recently published an opinion piece suggesting that China is influencing Taiwan’s 2024 elections by feeding voters pro-KMT content through social media. The DPP’s director of international affairs interprets the report as indicating that the KMT is leaning towards China and receiving secret backing from Beijing.
    2024/01/03 19:16
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes DPP’s online campaign tactics

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) cyber warriors for their lack of professionalism in response to a campaign video. Ko emphasized the need for the DPP’s online campaign team to take their role more seriously. The video featured President Tsai Ing-wen passing the baton to Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-Khim, but Ko questioned the selection process for Lai as a running mate. The video’s imagery, including blue and white cars, raised speculation about deviation from the DPP’s established path. Ko stated that the correct direction remains to be determined.
    2024/01/03 18:03
  • Lai Ching-te urges Taiwan to vote despite Chinese meddling

    Taiwanese presidential candidate Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called on the Taiwanese people to use their votes as a defense against what he considers the most serious Chinese interference in the upcoming elections. Lai emphasized that while China has interfered in Taiwan’s elections before, the current situation is the worst. He believes that the best way to counter this interference is to ensure that the candidate supported by China does not win. Lai urged citizens to stand up against this interference by using their ballots to continue Taiwan’s progress and guarantee societal stability, economic growth, and the well-being of its people. He positioned the DPP’s battle not only against opposition parties but also against the Chinese Communist Party, underscoring the importance of maintaining a majority in the legislative yuan to prevent potential government functioning disputes. Lai kicked off his election campaign across 22 counties and cities, stating that this election is crucial for Taiwan’s future and Indo-Pacific peace stability. He encouraged the people to maintain the spirit of the past, choose the right person, and follow the right path.
    2024/01/03 15:45
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim champions educational equity in Taiwan

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim attended an educational discussion in Taipei, where she shared plans for the National Project of Hope. The project aims to address issues of ’inverse distribution’ in education, particularly the financial burden on underprivileged children attending private universities. Hsiao emphasized the importance of nurturing global citizenry among children and connecting them to the world through digital tools. She also stressed the need for a friendly learning environment, anti-bullying initiatives, drug education, gender equality teachings, and addressing security concerns within campuses. Hsiao proposed creating a friendly environment for socio-economically disadvantaged students, reflecting Taiwan’s diversity and inclusivity. She called for the elevation of the quality of special education, advancement of higher education and vocational development, and a change in public perception about it. Hsiao suggested that private universities provide tuition assistance to alleviate the financial burden on poorer students. In terms of foreign affairs, she highlighted her efforts to sign an educational Memorandum of Understanding while stationed in the U.S., offering scholarship opportunities and encouraging Americans to learn Mandarin and visit Taiwan for Taiwan’s global integration.
    2024/01/03 10:54
  • Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu accuses the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of smearing and attacking the presidential election through nationwide advertising campaigns. The KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong are losing swing voters, according to a public opinion poll published by the United Daily News. Chu criticizes the DPP for targeting Hou by drawing attention to the dormitory at Taipei’s Chinese Culture University (CCU), owned by Hou’s wife. He warns that if such smear tactics go unchecked, Taiwan risks becoming a society dominated by smear campaigns. Internal party polls show that the KMT’s support rates are within the margin of error compared to the DPP’s, leading by one percentage point in landline-based surveys. Taiwan’s 2024 presidential and legislative elections are due to take place next Saturday, and Chu emphasizes that the KMT will work harder despite alleged underhanded tactics and continuous smearing efforts by the DPP.
    2024/01/02 09:55
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih blasts DPP for autocracy and corruption

    Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for alleged autocracy, incompetence, and widespread corruption. He singles out DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te as a complicit beneficiary of the party’s corrupt structure. Hou proposes a "New Taiwan Political Reform Movement" focused on governing with peace, dignity, fairness, integrity, and diligence. He suggests that Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je could play a key role in this movement. Hou highlights the issues faced by the Taiwanese in the past eight years, such as fraud, corruption, democratic regression, and cross-strait tensions. He criticizes Lai for distancing himself from Taiwan’s independence and condemns the DPP over allegations of sexual harassment, corruption, and the new movement faction. Hou argues that the DPP’s disarray has eroded its trustworthiness among the Taiwanese. He outlines his aim of leading a clean governance team with capacity, courage, and fiscal propriety, in contrast to the DPP’s alleged autocracy. Hou asserts his capability and strength to form a coalition government, fulfilling the aspiration for an alternate ruling party.
    2023/12/30 17:14
  • Ko highlights Taiwan’s challenges under DPP rule

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) governance in Taiwan, pointing out various shortcomings such as shortages of land, water, electricity, talent, and labor during Lai Ching-te’s tenure as premier. Ko also claimed that Taiwan is currently lacking eggs, pork, vaccines, health screening resources, and even toilet paper. He further highlighted present issues including low birthrates, national security risks from an aging population, wage stagnation, inflation, slow industrial transformation, and high housing costs. Ko accused the government of not allocating special budgets for expenditures, resulting in an alleged surplus of NT$900 billion, and criticized their lack of transparency. He expressed disappointment with the DPP’s failure to address issues left by the Kuomintang (KMT) after eight years in power. Additionally, Ko mentioned that Taiwanese people generally feel insecure about the current status of the Taiwan Strait, which has caused societal discord, political factions, and cross-strait unrest.
    2023/12/30 17:05
  • KMT candidate slams foreign influence in Taiwan election

    In this story, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih expresses disapproval of foreign influence in Taiwan’s elections during a presidential debate. Hou criticizes the Anti-Infiltration Act and the potential politicization of the judiciary. He accuses Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Chao Tien-lin of pro-China bias without legal consequences and hints at undisclosed reception from Chinese authorities during Lai Ching-te’s visit to mainland China in 2017. Hou questions the DPP’s double standards and openly scrutinizes Lai, demanding their stance on U.S. disapproval of Taiwan’s independence. He labels Lai as a "pragmatic worker of Taiwan independence."
    2023/12/30 16:40
  • Hou Yu-ih challenges Tsai’s foreign policy effectiveness

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih challenges the effectiveness of President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign policy, questioning its impact on Taiwan-China communication, severed relations with former allies, extended military service, and increased risk of Chinese fighter jets breaching Taiwan’s airspace. The three presidential contenders, including Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je, discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations and their stance on President Tsai’s policy. Hou questions DPP’s handling of tainted politics during their time in power and highlights his support for the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). He also addresses concerns over cross-strait flight operations and employment difficulties for Chinese students in Taiwan. Hou pledges to follow the Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and maintain administrative neutrality without relying on any side.
    2023/12/30 15:51
  • Hou Yu-ih threatens legal action over smears by DPP

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih vows to sue those smearing his family over ongoing accusations about their real estate holdings. The DPP has targeted Hou’s family’s rental apartments and land case in Xinzhuang district, making it a focal point of the election campaign. Hou, a former criminal police, emphasizes his wife’s role in managing the home while he is away for work. He claims the apartments and land were inherited from his wife’s parental family. Hou condemns the DPP’s use of malicious language and views it as a violent electoral tactic. He expresses his outrage and announces his intention to use legal means to protect his family.
    2023/12/30 15:50
  • Hou Yu-ih lists DPP’s ’top ten’ policy failures in 8 years

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, listed the ten major policy failures of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) during a livestream presidential debate. These failures include ineffective energy policies, food safety violations, deteriorated public security, debt burdening future generations, critical issues in people’s livelihoods, housing injustice, rising cross-strait military threats, plummeting wages, skyrocketing house prices, and ineffective pandemic responses. Hou elaborated on specific examples such as solar power corruption, tainted food black market dealings, overspending on "forward-looking" infrastructures, a lack of electricity and water, regulatory failure in the National Communications Commission (NCC), failed social housing policies, the threatening potential of military conflict, income inequality at a ten-year high, and around 20,000 deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hou expressed regret over his opponent, DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign methods, accusing him of slander and displaying incompetence and unscrupulousness. Hou confirmed his opposition to Taiwanese independence while claiming that Lai advocated for it. He also criticized former Taipei Mayor and current Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je for not responding to this issue. Hou emphasized his lifelong pledge to remain loyal to the Republic of China’s flag and safeguard Taiwan’s democratic freedom.
    2023/12/30 15:47
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih slams DPP’s COVID-19 response in debate

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for their mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic during a live presidential debate. Hou specifically targeted DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, accusing him of neglect during the outbreak. Hou further claimed that Lai focused on issues surrounding his family home’s illegal expansion claim instead of caring for the public. As the former mayor of New Taipei City, Hou stated that any pandemic-related advice proposed to the central government was denied. He also criticized the DPP government for shortages of anti-epidemic supplies and food safety issues. Hou emphasized the need to establish a special investigation team to probe malpractices in the DPP’s pandemic approach. Additionally, he questioned Lai’s advocacy for Taiwanese independence, suggesting that it could escalate cross-strait tensions. Hou criticized Lai’s tactics as underestimating the intelligence of the Taiwanese people and disrespecting the Republic of China (Taiwan). He portrayed Lai as ungrateful and not trustworthy for Taiwan.
    2023/12/30 15:23
  • Yunlin County Commissioner denies DPP’s corruption claims

    Yunlin County Commissioner Chang Li-shan denies allegations of political corruption made by DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. Lai criticized the KMT for its connections with the Chang family, accusing the party of having ties to illicit "dark money." Lai also mentioned other influential families within the KMT, including the "Lo"s in Xindian District, Taipei, the "Yen"s in Taichung, and the "Fu"s in Hualien. The DPP previously exposed allegations against Hualien County commissioner Fu Kun-chi and his wife Hsu Chen-wei, claiming that public works projects were awarded to contractors involved with their mansion. Similar controversies surrounded KMT legislator Lo Ming-tsai and the Yen family in Taichung.
    2023/12/27 16:45
  • Hou Yu-ih slams DPP over sexual harassment cases

    Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) over recent sexual harassment cases in the party. Hou highlights the lack of response from the DPP’s Department of Gender Equality to these incidents. He challenges Lai Ching-te, asking if he believes this is a virtue. Hou pledges to rigorously address sexual harassment and maintain high moral standards among officials. His zero-tolerance approach towards corruption and sex scandals sets the tone for his campaign. In the third round of the television policy presentation, Hou focuses on gender issues, proposing policies to increase women’s representation in governance, improve maternal and child health care, and alleviate family care pressure. These proposals demonstrate his commitment to gender equality and addressing women’s challenges in Taiwan.
    2023/12/26 18:48
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih questions DPP’s energy policies

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih raises questions about Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te’s energy policy during a policy presentation. Hou specifically probes Lai’s stance on the "nuclear-free homeland" policy and his attitude toward nuclear power generation. Hou questions Lai’s viewpoints, suggesting that if Lai believes "nuclear units cannot be stopped," it implies Taiwan’s nuclear power plants may need to extend their lifespan. Hou also criticizes Lai’s "clean coal" concept and its potential impact on the prevalence of pulmonary adenocarcinoma in Taiwan. Furthermore, Hou criticizes the DPP’s goal of "net-zero carbon emissions," arguing that even the announced 2030 target of reducing carbon emissions by 24% to 25% is unattainable and out of step with global trends.
    2023/12/26 17:24
  • Ko criticizes DPP’s bilingual policy lacking concrete plan

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized his opponent Lai Ching-te’s "Bilingual 2030" policy, arguing that it lacks a comprehensive plan and causes panic among educators and parents. Ko identified three major issues in Taiwan’s education system: limited social mobility for underprivileged children, a gap between school curriculum and society’s needs, and a lack of alignment with international practices. He also highlighted the disparity in educational opportunities between higher socio-economic families and disadvantaged ones. Ko criticized the existing bilingual education policy for lacking a concrete path to realization.
    2023/12/26 17:02
  • DPP’s Hsiao returns to hometown, vows to serve Taiwan

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim returned to her hometown, Changhua County’s Hemei Township, and expressed her commitment to contribute to Taiwan. She met her relatives from the Xiao clan and was warmly welcomed by the locals. Hsiao’s father also hailed from Hemei Township and returned to Taiwan after obtaining his doctorate to serve the country. Hsiao feels a strong connection to the local people and sees it as her destiny to serve Taiwan. Her mission is to strengthen the diplomatic ties between Taiwan and the United States. Hsiao thanked the Xiao clan for their unwavering support and encouraged locals to support DPP legislative candidates. She expressed confidence in the DPP’s ability to secure the Taiwanese vote and promised to do more for Taiwan after the election.
    2023/12/26 14:05
  • Taiwan can win international trust, says DPP’s Hsiao

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expressed confidence in Taiwan’s ability to gain international trust and recognition despite global pressures. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a diplomatic balance, using the analogy of a cat’s sense of balance. Hsiao also highlighted the need for a fair and balanced Taiwan-U.S. trade relationship. She believes that promoting mutual benefits between Taiwan and the U.S., including in areas of national security and economics, will safeguard Taiwan’s democratic freedoms. Hsiao acknowledged the differences between Taiwan and Israel but suggested that Taiwan could learn from Israel’s innovations in military training. She also emphasized the extension of compulsory military service in Taiwan to ensure peace and build strength.
    2023/12/26 11:39
  • Verbal gaffes continue for KMT’s VP candidate Jaw Shaw-kong

    During a campaign event in New Taipei City, Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong mistakenly referred to the election day on Jan. 13 as ’Jan. 15.’ He quickly corrected himself, stating that they would be a president-elect on Jan. 15 next year, which received enthusiastic applause from supporters. This is not the first verbal gaffe from Jaw, as he has made other slips of the tongue recently. He called out the rival Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te instead of his own party’s presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih during a policy presentation by the Central Election Committee (CEC). Furthermore, he referred to former KMT chairman Johnny Chiang as a ’terrorist of peace for Taiwan’ instead of DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te during a campaign event in Taichung. Jaw also criticized the DPP’s governance record over the last eight years, arguing that their belief in a change of personnel and party now resonated with the DPP itself.
    2023/12/26 11:10
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